Aguiar González

Redes sociales
Fernando Aguiar es PhD in Philosophy and now is working as Scientific Research at the CSIC Philosophy Institute, Madrid (IFS-CSIC). He has been working at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA-CSIC, Córdoba, Spain) for a long time. He was President of the Spanish Group of Analytical Sociology and is a founding member of the Spanish Experimental Philosophy Association (AEFEX). His research interests cover experimental philosophy, experimental ethics, political philosophy, moral disgust, and social identity. He has published about these subjects in the European Journal of Sociology, Judgment and Decision Making, Experimental Economics, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Journal of Methodological Economics, and Journal of Conflict Resolution, among others.
Viciana, H., Gaitán, A. & Aguiar, F. (2023, eds.). Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy, Routledge.
Rosas, A., Hannikainen, I., Lam, J., & Aguiar, F. (2023). Individual attitudes towards moral costs and benefits drive responses to moral dilemmas. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1-23,
Aguiar, F., Corradi, G. & Aguilar, P. (2023). Ageing and disgust. Can the idea of old age cause harsher moral judgments? Current Psychology, vol. 42 (2), pp. 8460–8470.
Aguiar, F., Hannikainen, I. & Aguilar, P. (2022). Guilt without fault: Accidental agency in the era of autonomous vehicles, Science and Engineering Ethics 28:2, pp. 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-022-00363-8.
Sotomayor E. & Aguiar, F. (2020). “Illness and disgust. Compensation strategies of patients and healthcare professionals” European Journal of Anatomy, vol. 24, Supplement 1, pp. 63-68.
Aguiar, F., Álvarez, M. & Miller, L. (2021). Locus of control and the acknowledgment of effort, American Behavioral Scientist 65:11 https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764221996754.
Aguiar, F., Gaitán, F. & Viciana, H. (2020). Una introducción a la ética experimental. Cátedra.
2025 award of Asociación Andaluza de Sociología fot the best paper: “Tolerating the intolerant: Homophily, segregation and intolerance in social balanced networks”, Journal of Conflict Resolutions, vol. 59 (1).
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