Alejandro Caparrós (IPP) coautor de un libro junto a Michael Finus
Key environmental issues, such as biodiversity and climate change, have in recent years become more pressing than ever. Where the critical papers in the early 1990s explained the difficulties of cooperation in tackling transboundary environmental problems, later works have analyzed the various alternatives, and increased our understanding of various institutional designs and negotiation protocols' impact on the success of cooperation. This research review identifies the most important articles on the game theoretic analysis of international environmental cooperation to both confront the cooperative and non-cooperative approaches to this, and demonstrate the diversity of methods used to analyze international environmental agreements.
Michael Finus & Alejandro Caparrós. Game Theory and International Environmental Cooperation: Essential Readings. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub., 2015. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series, 298 - ISBN: 978-1782545095 - eISBN: 978-1784713201 - DOI: 10.4337/9781784713201