Serrano Ruano

Científico Titular de OPIS
Dept. of Jewish and Islamic Studies
Sacred Texts of Judaism and Islam
916022438 / Extensión interna: 441375

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Curriculum Vitae

Delfina Serrano is PhD Tenured Researcher at the National High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Madrid (Spain). She is a member of the research group “Islamology: past and present of the shari`a through its textual tradition”. She focuses on Islamic law and the intellectual history of the pre-modern Islamic west, including the relationship between fiqh and other Islamic religious sciences like kalam and Sufism, but also the relevance of theory and practice of classical Islamic jurisprudence to contemporary Muslim societies. Results of her work have been published in both Spanish and international periodicals and collective volumes like Al-Qantara, Islamic Law and Society, Der Islam, Hawwa, etc... She is the author of a Spanish translation and study of Madhahib al-hukkam fi nawazil al-ahkam, a collection of legal cases compiled by the 12th century Maliki jurist Muhammad b. `Iyad and dealing with the activity as a qadi and as a mufti of his father, qadi `Iyad, the author of prophet’s Muhammad biography known as the Shifa’. She has also edited a collective volume on “Cruelty and compassion in Arabic and Islamic literature”. At present she is the chief editor of the CSIC series “Estudios Árabes e Islámicos.

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). al-Qurtubi. The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an Supplement 2016, 2016, 1-17.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). ¿Bringing arbitration (tahkim) and conciliation (sulh) under the qadi¿s purview in Maliki al-Andalus (10th to 12th centuries C.E.)¿. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 140, 73-100.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2018). Élise Voguet, Le monde rural du Maghreb central (XIVe-XVe siècles). Réalités sociales et constructions juridiques d'après les Naw¿zil M¿z¿na. Bibliothèque Historique des Pays d'Islam - 5, Collection dirigée par Christophe Picard et Pierre Vermeren, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2014, 512 págs. Islam - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients, 95, 250-264.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2017). ¿Exilio y desarraigo en la vida (y milagros) de Ibn farh al-Qurtubi, un exégeta andalusí universal¿. Philologia Hispalensis, 31, 133-148.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2018). Hina Azam, Sexual Violation in Islamic Law: Substance, Evidence, and Procedure. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015, xi + 270 págs.. Journal of the American Oriental Society, American Oriental Society, 138, 635-639.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2018). New evidence and considerations on the origins and genealogy of the Ban¿ Rushd. Al-Qantara, 39, 225-236.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2018). ¿Redefining Paternal Filiation through DNA Testing: Law and the Children of Unmarried Mothers in the Maghreb¿. Journal of Middle East Womens Studies, 14, 292-313.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). Reseña a Robert Gleave & István T. Kristó-Nagy (eds.), Violence in Islamic Thought from the Qur¿¿n to the Mongols, Edimburgo, Edinburgh University Press, 2015, 278 páginas. Al-Qantara, 37, 529-531.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano; Xavier Casassas Canals (2021). Sobre las supuestas inclinaciones mu`tazilíes de `Abd al-Haqq Ibn `Atiyya (Granada, m. 541/1147). Acusaciones medievales y exoneraciones contemporáneas. Astarté. Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo, 4, 59-80.
    Delfina Serrano (2019). Dosier VI. Derecho y judicatura bajo los Almorávides. En La Península Ibérica en la Edad Media (700-1250) (pp. 421-428). Editorial: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2019). Entre almorávides y almohades: el concepto de taklif (responsabilidad individual) y la introducción del imperativo de razonar la fe en el aš`arismo andalusí. En Al-Muwahhidun. El despertar del califato almohade (pp. 42-59). Editorial: Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). """Forum shopping in al-Andalus (II): Discussing Coran V, 42 and 49 (Ibn ¿azm, Ibn Rushd al-Jadd, Ab¿ Bakr Ibn al-¿Arab¿ and al-Qur¿ub¿¿". En Law and Religious Minorities in Medieval Societies: between theory and praxis. De la teoría a la práctica en el derecho de las minorías religiosas en la Edad Media (pp. 173-196). Editorial: Brepols.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano; Mohamed Necir (2021). Fuentes jurídicas y su contribución al estudio de la teología racional islámica (kal¿m): A vueltas con la autoridad religiosa de los aš`aríes en las Naw¿zil de Ibn al-¿¿¿¿ (Córdoba, m. 529/1134). En Patrimonio andalusí : cultura, documentos y paisajes (pp. 243-264). Editorial: Universidad de Sevilla.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). ¿Islamic legal jurisdiction over dhimmis and dhimmis¿ forum shopping in al-Andalus: the divergent views of Malikis and Zahiris (10th-12th centuries C.E.)¿. En Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th-15th centuries) (pp. 1-17). Editorial: Brepols.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2017). Judicial Procedure and Legal Practice on Li¿¿n (imprecatory oath) in Andalus: The Evidence from Model Shur¿¿ Collections, 11th-12th Centuries. En Justice and Leadership in early Islamic courts (pp. 149-170). Editorial: Harvard University Press.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2016). Later Ash¿arism in the Islamic West. En Later Ash'arism in the Islamic West (pp. 516-533). Editorial: Oxford University Press (OUP).
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2017). La yajuz li-hukm al-muslimin an yahkum bayna-huma: Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (Cordoba, d. 1126 ce) and the Restriction on Dhimmis Shopping for Islamic Judicial Forums in al-Andalus. En Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th - 15th centuries) (pp. 395-411). Editorial: Brepols.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano; Xavier Casassas Canals (2020). Putting criticisms against al-Ghaz¿l¿ in Perspective: New Materials on the Interface between Law, Rational Theology and Mysticism in Almoravid and Almohad al-Andalus (Ibn Rushd al-Jadd and al-Qur¿ub¿). En Philosophical Theology in Islam: Later Ash'arism East and West (pp. 254-297). Editorial: Brill.
    Delfina Serrano Ruano (2019). """Qadis and Muftis: Judicial Authority and the Social Practice of Islamic Law¿". En Routledge Handbook of Islamic Law (pp. 156-170). Editorial: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.