Inés Roldán (IH) coautora del libro "The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy"

Friday, 11 September, 2015

The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy.Circuits of trade, money and knowledge, 1650-1914 es el título del libro editado por Adrian Leonard y David Pretel, en el que ha contribuido Inés Roldán Montaud (IH, CCHS-CSIC) como autora del capítulo titulado Baring Brothers and The Cuban Plantation Economy, 1814-1870.

Descripción (en inglés)

This collection of essays explores the inter-imperial connections between British, Spanish, Dutch, and French Caribbean colonies, and the 'Old World' countries which founded them. Grounded in primary archival research, the thirteen contributors focus on the ways that participants in the Atlantic World economy transcended imperial boundaries. The volume presents linked chapters which together examine the evolving and strengthening interconnections between the changing political economies of Europe and the Caribbean during the 'long' eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It brings together research by well-established authors and early-career historians. Their work, and thus this volume, above all is about the historical formation of the modern political economy to which Europe and its Caribbean territories made a significant contribution. The chapters are about the exchanges and interconnections which characterised the Atlantic World; the book as a whole is about the Atlantic World's influence on the Caribbean, and the Caribbean's influence on the Atlantic World.

Adrian Leonard is Post-doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Financial History, University of Cambridge, UK. He has written widely on topics related to marine insurance and the Atlantic World. He is co-editor of the series The Atlantic World 1400-1850 (2014), and of Questioning Credible Commitment (2013).

David Pretel is Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Economic History at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, where he lectures in the history of economic thought. Previously he was Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in History at European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He specialises in economic history, historical political economy, and the history of technology.

Inés Roldán Montaud is a Research Scientist at the IH - Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and a member of the Research Group "Estudios Comparados del Caribe y Mundo Atlántico". She has written on Economic and Political History of the Spanish Caribbean. Among her latest works are: Haciendas públicas en las Antillas hispanas desde las reformas borbónicas al final del periodo colonial (2014) and A Colonial Bankunder Spanishand American Sovereignty: The Banco Español de Puerto Rico, with Pablo Martín-Aceña (2014).

The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy. Circuits of trade, money and knowledge, 1650-1914. Edited by Adrian Leonard, David Pretel. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Series: Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series.

ISBN 978-1-137-43271-1


Dpto. de Estudios Americanos
Estudios Comparados del Caribe y Mundo Atlántico