Manuel Lucena Giraldo (IH) editor científico del "Atlas of Spanish Exploration and Discovery"

Wednesday, 18 October, 2017

Geoplaneta acaba de publicar el "Atlas of Spanish Exploration and Discovery", edición en ingles, en el que Manuel Lucena Giraldo (IH, CCHS-CSIC), entre otros autores, ha intervenido como editor científico.

An unprecedente work of academic outreach that brings together the most significante contributions os Spanish explorers and travellers to the scientific and geographic knowledge of our word. From Antiquity to the present day, across oceans, jungles, mountains and deserts. The biography of more than two hundred figures that, from Spain, set out to discover new territories, tread upon all continents and usher in a new era of communication betweenn disparate peoples, narrated herein by prominent specialists. More than 140 maps and 800 images. An undertaking of the Spanish Geographical Society aiming to disseminate, in an engaging and rigorous manner, the prodigious labor of discovery that Spaniards have taken on throughout history.


Atlas of Spanish Exploration and Discovery. Scientific Editor: Manuel Lucena Giraldo. Geoplaneta-SGE, 2017 - 432 p.

Portada del libro
Dpto. de Estudios Americanos
Estudios Comparados del Caribe y Mundo Atlántico